Let’s be miserable!

by | Jun 14, 2022 | 3 comments

Yesterday we posted on our social media a book recommendation: Dopamine Nation by Dr. Anna Lembke. She asks this challenging question: “Why in a time of unprecedented wealth, freedom, technological progress, and medical advancement, do we appear to be unhappier and in more pain than ever. The reason we are all so miserable may be because we are working so hard to avoid being miserable”

After we posted on Instagram, I wanted to explain why that quote was eye-opening and how I had an “aha-moment” when I listened to it. Specifically this part – “The reason we are all so miserable may be because we are working so hard to avoid being miserable” –
While listening to the audiobook a few weeks ago, I played and repeated the quote over and over … I ran to the computer to type it in and as I continued to listen to the audiobook I kept coming back to this idea and reflecting about it. 

To give more context, I’m Alejandra, I’m in El Salvador, and my partner Gabriela and I are building TYSAH, and as a co-Founder, I’m also the first full-time employee, and because I have the flexibility I am allowing myself the opportunity to research, watch, read, and listen to content related to business, marketing, psychology, self-care, and healing. I want to be informed and up-to-date with these topics and my go-to is listening to podcasts, audiobooks, and videos. I have been so excited thinking: This is it! This is my dream job, I can be creative, happy, and productive, I can do something I love, and create something I truly believe the world needs: To Heal … to TYSAH!

At the same time I’m getting so many insights, content, and input, I also have had some hard moments and difficulties, I have cried, gotten angry, and doubted myself in the process, and I have questioned myself: What am I doing?  Why am I not feeling the way I’m supposed to be feeling while being my own boss? Why is this so hard? Why am I not happy? Why am I miserable!
My partner Gabriela always reminds me that it’s ok not to feel “ok”, that healing is a journey, not a destination and that all these feelings are valid and necessary as we build this company.  

When I heard that phrase: “The reason we are all so miserable may be because we are working so hard to avoid being miserable” I reflected and realized that self-care and healing don’t have to look pretty! Self-care is not something “cute”, not a luxury, not a day in the spa, it’s definitely a process, in which sometimes we have to endure and allow ourselves to be miserable! From my personal experience, I can only say that after those unpleasant moments, is where I have seen myself grow and heal. 

I invite you to allow yourself to be! To feel! Remember not to judge yourself in the process. Always and as possible, seek advice from experts, and please: Be Good To You! 

I’m Alejandra Mejia, 
The Co-Founder of TYSAH

Thanks for being with us on this journey,


  1. Marie Lofty

    This was so relatable. Thanks for sharing!

  2. Claudia Rosales Perez

    There are some many truths in this post, every one by themselves and related
    Thanks for sharing

  3. Natalie

    This post is on point. It’s a reminder to spend more time feeling our way through life instead of avoiding, minimizing and masking our emotions. Self-care is the key, including embracing feeling miserable. Thank you!


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